Why Orixes Tech's Hardware And Networking Services

Because our robust hardware and networking infrastructure will improve the efficiency and performance of your software applications, ensure data storage and security, and facilitate real-time collaboration and communication which will ultimately nurture a better customer experience. Data networking solutions enable enterprise networks to improve efficiency by prioritizing real-time business intelligence.

To ensure authorized and malware-free access to your software application, prioritize the network traffic based on specific criteria, and optimize your software’s security and performance, we go for secure network access switches with configured access control lists (ACLs).

To connect multiple data centers, share resources, and access remote employees and cloud-based services, we use three major types of networks that are specifically designed to operate over any specific area.

To ensure your software and applications perform well and deliver quality information, we utilize the latest tools and technologies to optimize and enhance speed and reliability to gain a positive user experience.

The essential tools of modern networking infrastructure that allow organizations to create a robust and scalable performance to meet the evolving needs of businesses.

Multi-service switches provide a range of different services such as data traffic, control plane signaling, virtual private networks (VPNs), Multi-protocol label switching (MPLS), Gigabit Ethernet, and much more to simplify and enhance the quality of network management.

Monitoring, configuring, and optimizing computer networks to ensure they are effective and smooth running, prevent data breaches, and downtime, and improve profitability to automate many tasks is perfectly done.

To prevent cyberattacks, and thefts, and gain protection against unauthorized access, we use secure routers with advanced features and properties. We aim to protect sensitive information from breaching.

Cost-effective, scalable, adaptive, and secure WLANs are used to achieve the convenience and flexibility of wireless connectivity.

WAFS is the latest technology to provide easy access to the same files and data to remote users. It serves as an innovative and cost-effective technique for organizations to increase productivity, simplify work management, and effectively cross the distance.

The modern infrastructure of any software needs to be secured by virtual private networks (VPN) that ensure sensitive data is not visible to hackers by offering encryption, authentication, and access controls.

Successful organizations maintain an efficient network infrastructure by designing and implementing the latest, up-to-date technologies to prevent cyberattacks.

It is essential for an organization that wants to protect its networks, systems, and data from cyber threats. By implementing a comprehensive threat protection strategy, organizations can reduce the risk of security.

Our Consulting Services

Orixes Tech’s experts will provide you professional advice at any stage of your web application project.

Step One


Reap the benefits from a perfectly tailored web app. We evaluate website’s accessibility and usability, help improve commercial performance, enhance business’s online presence, and open up new ways of attracting consumers.

Step Two

Branding and marketing

Our experts grasp the challenges of your industry. They help you prioritize business goals, build a consumer-focused brand, and develop profitable marketing strategies. We want you to turn your one-time clients into returning clients.

Step Three

Process specification

We thoroughly gather and process client’s requirements and employ some needed graphic tools, i.e., Function Charts, Data Flow Diagrams, and Prototypes, to create a process specification and further support the production of a functional specification.

Step four

Functional specification

We work hard to enhance the functionality of your web app. Our team conducts a preliminary analysis to consider all features and specifications of a would-be solution. An accurate functional specification is the basis of our product development process.

Step Five

CRM Consulting

CRM solutions that we offer correspond to your business needs and streamline your communication with customers. Our well-versed development team ensures your current CRM customization and the integration with corporate systems.

Step Six

Development platform selection

Our tech-savvy specialists are ready to share with you their industry expertise. They can advice you on the tech stack for your web application and picking the most appropriate development platform or framework.

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Contact Information

House 90A, Street 2 Yousaf Colony,
Chaklala Scheme 3 Rawalpindi, 46000

We're Available 24/7. Call Now. +92 51 8359 654